Batman vs superman ultimate edition stream
Batman vs superman ultimate edition stream

We know Zack Snyder already, and since 300 the guy really improved his style! Through Watchmen, Sucker Punch and Man of Steel, I don’t think there’s anyone better than him for a Superheroes movie. Breathtaking Visuals (but you should already know that) The action scenes get more intense and close to each other when we approach the end, which makes sense as we finally get to know the outcome of the story with Doomsday. Compared to Man of Steel, where it’s based only on Superman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice doesn’t have quite that much amount of action, but we have much more at stake and the tension which increases from the beginning until the end fits perfectly the plot. With the whole movie and pace being smoother than the original, we now feel better the tension that Zack Snyder had tried to set up.

batman vs superman ultimate edition stream

For example, when Superman is victim of a conspiracy and what makes him seen like a threat. There were actually many cut scenes in this part and when you get to see this scene complete, the rest of the movie makes more sense. This is clear from the beginning when Superman comes to save Lois in the desert. You notice easily every cut which has been removed from the cinema version, and watching the movie in its whole as it was supposed to be and as Zack Snyder had in his mind from the beginning, it can really make you change your mind about everything. When you watch the Ultimate Edition, everything feels so much smoother. This was the main critique when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice came to the cinema, and it’s understandable. Along with the main plot, we have all the politic, religious and society aspects. And since we can blame him for bringing those disproportional threats, just like Bruce said to Alfred “ This son of a bitch brought war to us“, there’s every reason to take down Superman. The consequences of the existence of a being like Superman are disproportional and unlike anything we could ever imagine.

batman vs superman ultimate edition stream

We can actually feel his rage when he looks up to the sky watching Superman fighting Zod. We get this feeling through Bruce’s perspective and we understand it right from the beginning when he sees his whole building and the city of Metropolis being destroyed in front of his eyes. The main one is the possibility of Superman being a threat and whether we are willing to let that happen. If we analyze the plot itself on the paper, it’s a good one. Now, many criticized the reasons behind the fight between Superman and Batman, but I think those critics were too much influenced by the mixed up feeling left by the movie mostly due to pace and cuts. So we get to know this universe from Superman’s point of view but we also learn Batman’s one. Superman has arrived recently while others like Batman have been in this world for a while.

Batman vs superman ultimate edition stream